Fitting a fuel cage to Hepco and Becker Gobi panniers is an interesting option as they are double skinned to allow them to hold liquid in the void.

Anyway, I managed to get hold of one of these bottle mounts for a tenner 🙂

adventure parts fuel bracket

So thought it was time to do a little bit of tinkering and see how they would fit my Hepco & Becker Gobi panniers.

Step 1: Think long and hard about drilling summat that is as watertight as…. well summat thats really watertight!
Steps 2/3/4: Have a coffee and a think
Step 5: mark out where it will go….. I wanted the cage to be just off the bottom of the pannier as I use them for sitting on now and again, so didnt want it hitting the ground.

gobie panniers marked out

You can just about see the markings where the bracket will sit

And then make the decision to go for it…..





Step 6: Drill!!!! Cant remember exactly, but think they were 8mm


Already bought a few rubber tap washers that I thought would do a great job of acting as spacers and help with watertightness. Also used a few large penny washers to help with weight distribution.

Step 7: Present the cage to the holes and work out how many tap washers would be required


Step 8: Once all spacings worked out, coat the bolts in clear bathroom sealant (to aid with waterproofing (i hope)) then also added extra sealant on the washers touching the pannier.


On the inside used M8 nylock nuts and penny washers to add to the strength.  Then covered the ends with Gaffa tape just to stop the cut down bolts catching on anything.

Same for the outside.


Remembering to thread the Arno strap through the cage first 😉 Then tighten everything up and left overnight to see how things look.

Finally I gave all the washers a light coating in sealant on the outside.

Have to say I was quite pleased with the final outcome. As the Gobi panniers are not a straight smooth surface I ended up using about 12 rubber washers as spacers and 9 penny washers.
